

Originally a multimedia studio that was founded in 1994, we soon became known for our collaboration with the Guignols de l’Info (a French satirical TV programme) that we adapted into CD-ROM games, or for the interactive versions of the famous Glénans sailing courses which we created for the publisher Seuil.

At the time, we were called In Visio. Very early on, we realised that we were made to adapt: we were skilled in interactive design and multimedia, and we used it for varied subjects, collaborating closely with very different people.

Today it remains one of our major strengths: we can discuss, learn and translate worlds, knowledge and skills into the language and assets specific to our media.



We moved towards video games, in an unusual way, focusing on the narrative dimension.

We developed gameplays based on dialogue, enabling us to create simulations of ultra-realistic, interactive and captivating conversations.

This skill, that we invented and which we were the only ones to have, gave us the idea to move towards digital training right after the millennium, at a moment when the mainstream video game market was becoming unfavourable for small studios. And it was a success – with help from Monique Benaily, a visionary at BNP Paribas, who understood before anyone else what direction this field would take.

Thanks to her, we designed and developed a professional appraisal simulation which was used to train thousands of managers. This initial success gave us visibility and we continued on this path: we became a benchmark serious games publisher.


At the crossroads of all digital skills

We have not stopped innovating since, in terms of both style and content, and today we are at the crossroads of all the skills in digital training. During our 15 years of market presence we have released products that have since become benchmarks, deployed in around forty countries. We offer professional prices and innovations that have been adopted by our peers, who rate them highly.

We design tailor-made responses for our clients, and publish an extensive catalogue covering the topics of management, digital transformation and compliance.

We place learning-by-doing at the heart of our teaching by designing real learning experiences which sustainably develop skills and take advantage of the best of what digital technology has to offer.

Our constant R&D enables us to offer scalable courses that mix collaborative games with mobile applications, augmented reality, classroom training and distance coaching. For the last five years, we have enabled our clients to take part in the creation of our catalogue products in an open innovative approach which ensures effective, adaptable and profitable products.


Subsidiary of Nathan

In 2016, we joined Nathan, the leader in educational publishing, an alliance of excellence in digital training.