Specialized in digital experiential learning, Daesign x Nathan Compétences Professionnelles offers an extensive catalog of multimodal, immersive and gamified e-learning modules, rapid learning, awareness-raising webinars and blended learning courses.
our pedagogical approach : structured and multimodal
We design and produce solutions based on innovative, fun teaching methods : behavioral simulations, multi-player devices, decision-making games, survey games, business games, escape games, infographics & data visualization, gamified quizzes, graphic narratives, podcasts…
These courses can be followed autonomously, remotely or accompanied through blended learning or webinars.
E-learning modules
Our modules draw on our expertise in Serious Gaming, and are designed to be particularly immersive.
Blended learning courses
Our blended learning courses combine several modalities: virtual classroom (or face-to-face), serious game and peer workshop.
Rapid learning
Our rapid learning modules provide a light, condensed treatment of subjects. Ideal for discovering or reactivating knowledge.
Our themed webconferences are interactive, dynamic and impactful. They are designed to inform and raise awareness on a broad front.