Data Security
Documents, photos, email addresses… our professional and personal data are coveted! Protecting data in the physical or digital world is not only an essential skill but also in high demand at all levels.
e-learning modules
Our modules draw on our expertise in Serious Gaming and are designed to be particularly immersive.
An adaptive cyber security training and awareness course that transforms employees, who are all potential targets, into cyber-aware digital citizens
An adaptive cyber security training and awareness course that transforms employees, who are all potential targets, into cyber-aware digital citizens
Making employees aware of what the GDPR is all about.
A digital course to give GDPR points of contact all the skills they need to be an effective, trusted source of information on data protection.
A digital course for senior management on what they need to know to ensure the business is GDPR compliant.
Secure your digital environment and avoid traps set by hackers !
Our rapid learning modules offer a light, condensed treatment of subjects. Ideal for discovering, or remembering.
Cyber & Me, a hacking story : the app that will keep you cyber-vigilant and teach you how to secure your digital environment
Having the main points of the GDPR in mind and sufficient understanding to be able to communicate with your colleagues and your DPO
Our theme-based webconferences are interactive, dynamic and high-impact, providing information and raising awareness.
A webinar to quickly make your employees aware of the new cybersecurity threats and their impact.
Are you interested in other themes? Channel your professional stress, get away from negativity and lack of meaning, learn to say no and be respected at work, react to insensitive people, manage criticism… Contact us to build your tailor-made conference projects.