Professional efficiency & Softskills
Do you have all the keys to your personal efficiency in your hands? Or are you still chasing after time? Focusing on the essentials, increasing productivity, and preserving your work-life balance… a skill that can be acquired and sets you free!
Our modules draw on our expertise in Serious Gaming and are designed to be particularly immersive.
A fun, immersive experience combining agility and complex problem-solving.
What if we helped you to better organize your schedule? Learn how to free up time with this serious game!
Are emergencies piling up? STOP! This serious game will help you reclaim your time...
A serious game to learn how to turn changes of direction into positive energy!
Our blended learning courses combine virtual classrooms, serious games and peer-to-peer workshops.
Learn how to become a facilitator! Thi training, enriched with a Serious game, will help you to activate the levers of collevtive intelligence and become a pillar of working groups.
Regain control of your time! This operational training course, enhanced by 2 serious games, will help you regain your availability and serenity.
In the office, at home, on the move: it's not easy to organize your different working hours! Discover our blended training, enriched with interactive tools...
Our rapid learning modules offer a light, condensed treatment of subjects. Ideal for discovering, or remembering.
Simple tips and case studies to help you identify the levers that encourage team innovation !
In just a few clicks, everything you need to know to lead your meetings with brio, on site or remotely!
From telecommuting as a necessity to telecommuting as a choice : good advice for reconciling performance and well-being !
Our theme-based webconferences are interactive, dynamic and high-impact, providing information and raising awareness.
A webinar to help every employee transform the stress of change into positive energy and development opportunities.
A webinar to help every employee and manager cultivate cooperation and overcome transformations together.
A webinar to help your employees get organized, keep in touch with colleagues and stay motivated!
A webinar to help you manage your time more serenely !
Are you interested in other themes? Channel your professional stress, get away from negativity and lack of meaning, learn to say no and be respected at work, react to insensitive people, manage criticism… Contact us to build your tailor-made conference projects.