Facilitate collaborative workshops

Professional efficiency & softskill

Blended learning courses
Blended learning courses


Learn how to become a facilitator! Thi training, enriched with a Serious game, will help you to activate the levers of collevtive intelligence and become a pillar of working groups.

What our learners say

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VUCA, Collective intelligence, Agility, Leadership, Facilitation, Teamwork, Collaboration
7 hours
All employees. No prerequisites, only an appetite for collective work is required.

Group of 6 to 10 participants.
2 290 € HT

Understand the challenges of working together to advance your projects as a team!


  • Have and know how to use a computer
  • Have and know how to use a visio tool
  • Have and know how to use a web browser
  • Appetite to discover a collaborative tool (Miro)

Skills covered

  • Understand the role and posture of a facilitator
  • Design engaging and stimulating collaborative workshops
  • Animate the different sequences by promoting collective intelligence
  • Use the right tools to achieve the desired objectives
  • Create your own toolbox and first workshop scenario

Pedagogical methods

  • 1 class (virtual or face-to-face) with a qualified trainer
  • 2 evaluations, upstream and downstream
  • 1 Serious game
  • 1 interactive mindmap
  • 1 downloadable resource kit
  • 1 knowledge reactivation tool
  • 1 certificate of completion


Serious games act as accelerators : they facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges and help each individual achieve a deliverable applied to their context.

Evaluation and monitoring

  • Guidance by a qualified trainer
  • Individual debriefing
  • Certificates of attendance
  • Certificate of completion
  • Satisfaction questionnaire

Technical resources

  • Viewing tool of choice : Teams, Zoom, etc.
  • Daesign Academy Platform
  • Savvy Learner Mobile and Webapp

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