Change Management : the keys to a successful adaptation!

Professional efficiency & softskill



A webinar to help every employee transform the stress of change into positive energy and development opportunities.
Change,Coaching,Stress management,Active listening,Leadership,Solution finding,Confidence,Motivation,Change management
Audience: up to 500 participants All managers and employees. No prerequisites
change management

Support : the key to successful adaptation to change !

In our personal lives, changes are constant: studies, jobs, missions, moves, marriage, children, and so on. Good news or bad, chosen or suffered, we manage as best we can.

In our professional lives, it’s the same ! Whether it’s a promotion, a new position, a merger, new software, a move or a global pandemic, we have to adapt to all this news, whether desired or unexpected.

Even when chosen, these situations are not always comfortable, and can generate stress and uncertainty.

So, what does change mean? What are the repercussions of change on the company? How can we anticipate the problems associated with change? Managers : how can you support your teams and raise the subject with your management? Employees : how can you express your difficulties or doubts, and understand the logic of change? In short, how to adopt the best posture and move forward together.

It’s a subject we’re happy to tackle with you, to give you the keys to a successful adaptation!


  • Identify the causes of resistance to change
  • Adapt your approach to the individual and deal with points of resistance
  • Know and identify the main demotivation factors
  • Apply the right levers to remobilize


  • A duration of 1h30
  • A presentation integrating the mapping of the company’s internal needs and the framework provided by the customer
  • Printable tool sheets


  • Choice of video tools : GoToWebinar, Teams, Zoom, etc.
  • Support from a qualified trainer
  • 30-minute Q&A at the end of the session
  • Satisfaction survey

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