Business ethics
Competition law, Sapin 2 law… it’s not necessarily easy to grow your business without making mistakes! Risks that all companies contend with and that you can address by incorporating into your professional practice enlightened, responsible, and pro-business behaviors.
Our modules draw on our expertise in Serious Gaming and are designed to be particularly immersive.
An applied and interactive approach on competition law: discover our gamified case studies!
Anti-corruption rules explained simply, with interactive case studies and full debriefing!
Our rapid learning modules offer a light, condensed treatment of subjects. Ideal for discovering, or remembering.
Our rapid learning modules offer a light, condensed treatment of subjects. Ideal for discovering, or remembering.
The main DO's & DON'Ts of competition law, just a few clicks away!
The main points of attention linked to corruption risks, with quizzes to challenge yourself !
Our theme-based webconferences are interactive, dynamic and high-impact, providing information and raising awareness.
A webinar to learn how to train everyone in compliance by deploying a tailored compliance program and mapping risks.
Are you interested in other themes? Channel your professional stress, get away from negativity and lack of meaning, learn to say no and be respected at work, react to insensitive people, manage criticism… Contact us to build your tailor-made conference projects.