Anti-corruption 30′

Business ethics

Module e-learning
Module e-learning


A short module to help you understand the main anti-corruption rules, with practical case studies.
Regulation, Vigilance, Fight against corruption, Transparency
30 min
Allemand Brésilien Chinois Espagnol Francais Italien Polonais Russe Ukrenien Vietnamien
All employees who need an initial varnish to control moderate corruption risks.

Skills covered

  • Understand the main anti-corruption rules
  • Identify and manage the risks associated with gifts
  • Identify and manage the risks associated with invitations
  • Recognise and deal with conflicts of interest
  • Know the main DO’s & DON’Ts

Pedagogical methods

  • 4 Serious games (various case studies)
  • 1 assessment quiz
  • 1 certificate of achievement
  • Your code of conduct integrated into the course
  • A customisable resources area
  • Additional content (videos, memo, sheets)


  • A short duration to suit as many people as possible
  • Designed with 6 major companies, including Consort France, Groupe Bel, Groupe Legrand and GRT Gaz
  • And a legal expert to ensure 100% regulatory compliance

Standard ISO 37001

DAesign provides organisations with dedicated anti-corruption tools to help them achieve the most important stages in obtaining the ISO ISO 37001 standard (anti-corruption management systems) :

  • We raise awareness and train teams
  • We communicate the code of conduct and ethical anti-corruption charters
  • We keep documented information on training procedures, training content, dates and participants
  • We enable the organisation’s governance body to demonstrate and communicate its commitment to anto-corruption

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