Corruption prevention : the basics

Business ethics

Rapid learning
Rapid learning
The main points of attention linked to corruption risks, with quizzes to challenge yourself !
International Regulations,Vigilance,Responsibility,Ethics,Compliance
30 minutes
Allemand Brésilien Chinois Espagnol Francais Italien Russe Ukrenien Vietnamien
All employees exposed, to a greater or lesser extent, to corruption risks (commercial development, negotiation, contributing to drafting contracts, working with partners or sponsors, etc.)

This rapid learning is the tool you need to keep in mind and on hand when it comes to corruption risks.


This Savvy Learner title reviews the essential themes of the fight against corruption, in relation to the Sapin 2 law, though also more generally in an international context.

It groups together the questions that everyone should ask when giving a gift to clients or partners, inviting them to a restaurant or an event, developing business without risking a conflict of interest, etc. Its aim is to show clearly where the line should be drawn, with many supporting examples.


1. Know who is concerned and who is responsible
Corruption issues, legal responsibilities and responsibilities with regard to your employer

2. Manage gifts and invitations
Traps with regard to gifts (timing, form, origins), the basics of managing gifts and invitations, managing friends and family

3. Manage third parties and other business contacts
Precautions to take before doing business, facilitation payments, patronage, mentoring, sponsorship, public representatives and government officials

4. React when confronted with risky situations
Identify conflicts of interest, defuse them, react when they arise


  • Developed with the anticorruption legal consultancy firm Learning Law Corp LLC* – Arnaud Fournier
  • Realistic questions concerning what to do and what not to do
  • Representative practical scenario
  • Red flags highlighted to avoid falling into a trap

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