1 webinar
Training groups
1 rapid learning

420 emplyees targeted
An international player in the transport sector, IVECO is a leading company in the development, production, sale and support of a wide range of light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles.
IVECO France has chosen Daesign to train its employees to work in hybrid mode.
Training objectives
The target population
IVECO France offered all of its Vénissieux teleworking employees (structural and voluntary) the opportunity to learn about the subject, a total of around 420 people.
The training was voluntary.
The particularity of the group of employees to be trained lies in the diversity of their profiles :
- Sedentary VS Itinerant
- Administrative VS sales VS technical engineers
- Generation gap
Expected objectives
IVECO France set itself 3 objectives at the start of the blended learning course Working in hybrid mode :
- Support employees in the deployment of teleworking
- Identify the levers, obstacles and opportunities for change
- Optimise the flex office and the internal organisation in place
The desired content
Prior to the training course, IVECO France had identified the content they wanted to include in the specifications.
1. Presentation of the different forms of teleworking in the company (structural and voluntary)
Interaction : what kind of teleworker am I?
2. Organisation of the week between teleworking and on-site presence
- Adapting tasks between on-site and teleworking / Organising the schedule
- How to project yourself and plan your presence effectively
- Practical organisation tools / tips and tricks (“Tasks” teams?)
- What tools can I use to organise my working week?
3. Teleworking : my days at home, adapting your teleworking workstation
- Adapting your workstation to be efficient (ergonomic reminder)
- Identifying the pitfalls, or bad reflexes, of teleworking :
- Organising your working environment and getting into the right working conditions
- Respecting working hours : striking a balance between private and professional life
- The right to disconnect
- Identifying disruptive events and organising accordingly
- Keeping in touch with colleagues
- Best practice in teleworking
Interaction : feedback on the benefits of teleworking : what are your views?
4. My days on site ; getting to grips with shared space
- Adapting to work in a open office
- Knowing which communication channel to use depending on the situation :
- Mail, telephone, face-to-face / remote meetings
- Using phone boxes
- Using meeting rooms
- Working without disturbing colleagues
The Daesign offer
IVECO has chosen the blended learning Working in hybrid mode to train its employees.
This operational training course, which we have designed, helps employees to improve their day-to-work by co-constructing an action plan based on 5 areas of hybrid working : tools, efficiency, relationships, work/life balance and well-being.
Working in hybrid mode adresses 3 major issues :
- How do you stay committed and efficient by alternating between on-site work and teleworking?
- How do you organise yourself around new, flexible ways of working?
- How can you cultivate your quality of life at work and prevent abuses?
Deployment procedures at IVECO
We adapted our training program to the needs identified by IVECO France. At IVECO, this tailor-made training consisted of 3 elements :
1. A webinar delivered by a trainer recruited by Daesign who is an expert in the field, which set the context for teleworking and promoted the group training sessions on offer.
- Participative format of 2h15
- Attended by 50 people
- Through Microsoft Teams
2. Contextualised blended learning training groups for the company, to learn more about hybrid working :
- 3 groups (8 to 10 participants per session)
- Open to all, with no obligation to attend
3. Rapid learning open to all for 3 months to review the basics of teleworking : Working from home : getting organised!
- This short course summarises good teleworking practice in an orginal way and explains how to adapt the way you work when teleworking becomes the new norm for flexible working
- It covers topics such as tools, responsiveness at work (your own and that of others), relationships with colleagues, the risks of a blurred work/life balance, and stress management
Co-creating a training project
- The creation of a tailor-made program lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes with a hybrid work expert
- A workshop to co-design the course with IVECO France & Daesign
- 3-months access to the Working form home : getting organised! module for all session participants
- Hosting of this complementary module on our Daesign Academy platform
- Integration of an introductory map to the modules
Employee satisfaction at IVECO France
The average score given to the question “Would you recommend this course to others?” was 4.38/5.
The lenght of the course was particularly appreciated, as it was condensed.
The webinar was seen as a popular teaching method, enabling the basic principles of the subject to be covered.
Positive feedbacks also concerned the trainer and her teaching approach.