« MEDIAPOST has signed the Diversity Charter since 2010. Our Diversity policy is a vehicle for commitment and performance. We are committed to taking extremely concrete action, wether it be in the field of disability, gender equality or young people who are far from employment."
Claire Bernard, HR Development Project Manager at MEDIAPOST

500 employees trained (managers and HR department)

Winner of the All different All performing trophies organised by the La Poste Group, 2018 Diversity award in the Coursier-Parcels sector
Diversity within MEDIAPOST is a concrete commitment that contributes to the commitment and performance of teams.
The context Diversity within MEDIAPOST
- As a signatory to the Diversity Charter, MEDIAPOST promotes concrete commitment that contributes to team performance and commitment. This commitment is being translated into results (6.4% direct employment of disabled workers or 45.2% women among managers as of 31 December). The training for Acting for Diversity and Preventing Discrimination dates back to 2011.
- Importance of renewing this training, in order to continue to train all the people involved in the processes of evaluation, recruitment, career management, training, remuneration, both managers and the HR sector that accompanies them, taking advantage of a more digitalized environment
Training in Diversity within MEDIAPOST
Internally identified needs
- Meet the social responsability of employers, contribute to a proactive social model that promotes performance and commitment
- Fulfilling the commitments made in company agreements and when signing the Diversity Charter
- Secure HR processes by training managers and the HR sector
- Renew a training that dates back to 2011
The choice of the solution
- E-learning module : the fundamentals of non-discrimination (the benefits of a diversity policy, the legal framework and advice to make the most accurate decisions)
- Serious game : situations to understand and integrate the acquired knowledge in its management practice
- Operational Practice Guide : Benchmarks and elements of answers to questions that managers may be confronted with on a daily basis
Deployment of the Serious game Together in diversity within MEDIAPOST
Target groups trained : all managers and the HR sector (500 employees)
Deployment modalities : 100% digital / HR support (nearly 200 sites in France)
Deployment schedule :
- Time 1 : e-learning and 3 Serious game modules
- Time 2 : continuation of the Serious game (4 modules)
- Time 3 : practical operational guide
Results and conclusions
Reception of the internal system :
- Positive feedback from managers : concrete training courses, good support for their operational daily routine
- Flexibility of the system : independant modules to better fit into their daily work
Trophy :
This training was awarded the All different All performing Trophies organized by the La Poste Group, Diversity award of the Courier-Parcels branch.
What the MEDIAPOST mangers say :
- “The situations allow us to understand the different reactions that our words elicit and be vigilant”
- “Right now, I have a lot of recruitment, this training is well connected with my current situation. Can’t wait to see what happens next!”
- “This training helps to set benchmarks in a fun and practical way.”