Overview of sexism in the workplace
On January 25th, it's the national day against sexism. A perfect opportunity to discuss this topic in a podcast!
There are many inappropriate behaviours at work. Sexual assault, sexisn, racism, discrimination, harassing or threatening behaviour, moral or physical violence, rumors, stigmatization… whether face-to-face or through digital tools.
These behaviours represent a threat to well-being and physical and mental health of employees.
In this episode, we take you on board with Anne-Véronique Herter for a summary of sexism at work.
According to a 2020 IFOP study, 20% of working women say they have been confronted with a situation of sexual harassment. So, where to start? How to fight against these actions?
On the program :
Sexist behaviour and sexual harassment : definitions
The legal framework
The most common sexist stereotypes in business
How to prevent sexism at work? How to reframe? How to react to inappropriate behaviour?
The most common forms of sexual harassment at work
Distinguishing harassment and seduction
Our expert
After twenty years of experience in marketing and the release of two novels in 2014 and 2017, Anne-Véronique Herter published a documented story in 2018 : “Le Cri du corps, harcèlement moral au travail, mécanismes, causes et conséquences” by Éditions Michalon.
With a University Diploma in psychosocial prevention and quality of life management at work (University of Cergy-Pontoise) and a certification as a labor mediator, she participates in numerous conferences, trade fairs and round tables on issues of health at work and prevention of psychosocial risks. She currently works at Crise-Up as Head Management of Sensitive Human Situations and Prevention of Psychosocial Risks. Her job consists of supporting companies in their requests for mediation, investigations for presumption of moral or sexual harassment, diagnosis, but also by training their employees on the subjects of health at work.
Her objective is to contribute to putting people back at the heart of ambitions.
Welcome aboard!