What is collective intelligence?
Collective intelligence is a way of working that takes into account the skills and knowledge of each member of the group in order to achieve common goals.
Collective intelligence can be seen all around us. Animals, for example, use this priciple : shoals of fish, anthills, etc. As human beings, we practice collective intelligence on a daily basis. We set up natural cooperation mechanisms to move forward faster and futher. So, withour knowing it, you may already be using collective intelligence on a daily basis!
What about in the corporate world? Can collective intelligence be transposed to an organization? Does it come naturally? How can it be put in place?

Collective intelligence in the company

Collective intelligence resonates in the business world. Are you familiar with the adages “United we stand, divided we fall” or “Alone we go faster, together we go further”?
In a way, they describe the principles of collective intelligence.
Numerous experts in Human Resources, business consultants, etc., have been working on the notion of collective intelligence for several decades, to better grasp and understand the full complexity of this concept and help companies to implement it more effectively within their organizations.
In business, collective intelligence is a management or project leadership approach. Its aim is to pool the knowledge, skills and ability to think of a group of people to achieve a common goal, and this gives value to the group. It is a change of perspective that allows us to move away from the “know-it-all, plan-it-all, control-it-all” approach. Collective intelligence means multiplying points of view, exchanging ideas and coming up with new ones to activate cooperation and generate a more collaborative and agile culture, to innovate and adapt more quickly.
In a fluctuating and unpredictable world, known as a VUCA* environment, companies are faced with transformations, changes and complex problems. Management techniques need to evolve, and these new challenges need to be tackled using a holistic and systemic approach (we need to see things as a whole, with each element forming an integral part of the system). This is where collective intelligence comes into its own. It is an effective way of overcoming new challenges together and building resilience.
But collective intelligence does not necessarily come naturally to a work team. There are a number of tools, methonds, processes and postures that need to be adopted and unerstood if this principle is to be put in place in the best possible way.
(*VUCA stands for “volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity”)
What are the foundations of collective intelligence?
Collective intelligence is based on interaction, exchange, communication and organization. The people in the group must share and exchange their points of view, while listening to each other so that each member can give their ideas freely. The people in the group must have the same level of information so that each member can pass on their ideas.
Why use collective intelligence?
Collective intelligence has many advantages :
Team commitment
Team members participate in the project. Everyone in the group has a place in the project. Each member gives their point of view and carries out tasks to achieve the goal of the mission. Team members are made responsible for their involvement in the tasks to be carried out. The objectives of the assignment are clea, and everyone has an overview of the project because the manager is transparent.
Employees are motivated by the project and want to get involved. Employees find meaning in their work.
Developing social skills
Collective intelligence involves interaction between team members and improved communication. This allows for exchange and collaboration, and therefore federates the group. A feeling of belonging to the team will emerge, creating a better general working atmosphere and greater transparency in relations between members (employee/colleague or employee/manager).
Developing creativity
Collective intelligence allows innovative and creative ideas and solutions to emerge. A climate of trust and sharing is created, where each member of the group can express their ideas. The result is team emulation. New ideas will emerge and help to improve the team’s performance and, a fortiori, that of the company.
Greater openness to change
Employees will no longer be resistant to future changes, and will be more relaxed about the process. They will know that they can rise to the challenges together and find new solutions.
What stance should the manager or project leader adopt?
The manager or project leader needs to organize time for discussion with his or her team to ensure that information flows clearly and precisely and that collective reflection takes place. There are a number of ways of doing this :
- Group meetings : workshops, brainstorming, debates, etc.
- Sharing information and skills
- Team building
- In-house social networks or collaborative platforms
- Shared software
Daesign has designed a training course on collective intelligence so that managers and occasional project leaders can become facilitators of cooperation and change their attitude and outlook. For more information on the immersive digital training course “Collective intelligence : in an uncertain world, activate the power of the collective”, click here.

To achieve this, they must :
- Involve employees
- Encourage the team to participate and give their point of view
- Practise active listening without judging employees
- Trust the team and give them a sense of responsability
- Show respect for the team
- Establish a climate of trust and transparency
- Ensure that information flows clearly within the team
- Identify the talents of each member of the team and bring them to the fore to achieve the set objective
- Encouraging cooperation
- Stimulating the emotional intelligence of each team member
- Managing conflict
- Make a final decision, taking everyone’s ideas into account
He acts as a true orchestra conductor. He motivates his team, stimulates them with agility and accompanies them in the accomplishment of their mission to bring about solutions to problems. We are witnessing an evolution in management and project management : management 3.0.
So how do you set it up?
The manager or project leader needs to organize time for discussion with his or her team to ensure that information flows clearly and precisely and that collective reflection takes place. There are a number of ways doing this :
- Group meetings : workshops, brainstorming, debates, etc.
- Sharing information and skills
- Team building
- In-house social networks or collaborative platforms
- Shared software
Daesign has designed a training course on collective intelligence so that managers and occasional project leaders can become facilitators of cooperation and change their attitude and outlook. For more information on the immersive digital training course “Collective intelligence : in an uncertain world, activate the power of the collective”, click here.