Sharing experience – SNCF

SNCF wanted to develop "ProDiversité" to meet the need for a broad and effective deployment of training/awareness raising on diversity and the prevention of discrimination.

"At SNCF, we believe that the performance and richness of our services will come from the diversity of our employees' profiles. We wanted to move up a gear and the Serious game allows for more flexibility, allows us to reach more people. The goal is to be able to fight against discrimination and discriminatory harassment in interpersonal relationships."


5290 people trained including 1944 managers


Winner of the 2016 Diversity Trophies

Diversity within the SNCF is an ingrained commitment, formalized multi-axis policies and dedicated resources

In a new figures 2017 :

  • 20,5% women
  • 4,65% workers with disabilities
  • 22,2% of the company’s employees are 50 years old and over
  • 3000 managers and HR actors made aware of non-discrimination each year

SNCF and RATP have joined forces to better address the challenges of diversity in business. At the beginning of 2016, RATP and SCNF chose two partners to support them : DaesignAltidem (a diversity consulting firm). The Serious game was designed by integrating the imprint of SNCF and RATP in terms of objectives to be achieved bit is applicable and duplicable to other companies. It is now part of the Daesign catalog within the Compliance range under the name of Together in diversity.

ProDiversité is an attractive and impactful tool. It consists of seven game sequences that cover seven of the twenty-five discrimination criteria prohibited by law (gender, religious beliefs, origin, sexual orientation, disability, age and union membership).

The game consists of two courses : one intended for all employees and the oher specific to managers. It was awarded the Diversity Trophies with SNCF & RATP in December 2016.

"Unlike e-learning, the Serious game brings a highly immersive aspect. We find ourselves in the shoes of an avatar. Which makes the situation concrete, more involving. This training space allows us to play, replay. This allows the person to realize wheter their attitude, the words chosen had a positive or negative impact. This allows learning."

Objectives of the Serious game

The objective of ProDiversité is to raise awareness and train employees, whether they are managers or employees, on the issues of diversity in a fun and practical way.

The Serious game offers everyone the opportunity to practice, make mistakes and start again until they adopt the appropriate behaviour. Throughout the game sequences, employees find themselves in situations similar to those they may encounter in their professional environment. With this pedagogy through discovery, ProDiversité will allow everyone to be better prepared to manager these situations when they are confronted with them in their daily lives.

"What we aimed for was to trigger awareness. The person who is going to be confronted with their personal representations, their own stereotypes, will become more aware of the impact of these on their professional life and that of others. However, this subsequently allows for freeing up dialogue between colleagues on the subjects of working and living together."

Diversity and discrimination prevention training

SNCF wanted to develop ProDiversité to meet the need for a broad and effective deployment of training/awareness-raising on diversity and the prevention of discrimination.

  • The Serious game meets the formalized commitments of the SNCF (Collective Agreements, Charter, etc.)
  • An increase in the demand on the ground to acquire skills in diversity management

At the same time, face-to-face training was popular, but deployment remained limited and costly.

A suitable, attractive and impactful tool

The SNCF’s objective was to operate an effective, broad and simplified deployment of training using a tool :


  • Offering a training space with concrete scenarios
  • Inexpensive to deploy, not time-consuming and easy to access for all


  • Which arouses interest and motivates the acquisition of skills


  • Which appeals to the sense of responsibility
  • Which allows for a positive attitude on issues related to diversity

Communication campaign

A large communication campaign was set up to support the deployment of distance learning : launch events around the game, articles in the group’s internal media, press coverage, committee intervention (GPF HR, GPF HR Codir, HR Communicators Network, EPIC SNCF HR Codir), emails, video broadcasting.


The deployment was carried out gradually with the different populations. In particular, the Directors of Establishments, the Directors of Units as well as the HR actors. 5290 people have experienced ProDiversité since its launch. Among them, 1944 managers.

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