A public sector company has deployed three Daesign products in 2022 and 2023 : the e-learning module Together in diversity, and the two Rapid learning modules The basics of corruption ans The basic of GDPR.

3 training modules deployed

90 targeted employees
Three Daesign training modules, deployed in 2022 and 2023, within a public sector client…
The Head of Employee Experience and Impact tells us how the solutions will be deployed and what feedback employees have had from the training.
The company wanted to raise awareness of diversity among all its employees. The Together in diversity e-learning module was launched in 2022 for all 90 employees.
“We wanted to train everyone on the subject of diversity, inclusion and unconscious bias. We are in an environment where there are not really any problems that have come to light. We were more on a veneer of things that we were not aware of that might shock people; when we would not want to shock them.”
Subsequently, the company wanted to train its employees in the basics of Corruption and the GDPR.
Why did you choose Daesign?
Together in diversity was chisen because of Daesign’s presence in the UGAP. « And we liked it, because we re-signed for Corruption and GDPR. »
The two Rapid learning products are mobile responsive, an important criterion for the client company : «For the individual part, people often do this kind of training on their commute. »
Deployment procedures
Together in diversity
“One of the teams started doing this face-to-face, in small groups. They were able to exchange a lot. I think it was the ideal format to use. The problem is that we do a lot of teleworking and we have a flex office. It was restrictive to systematise this. The rest of the staff went their separate ways. I think the most intersting thing is the interaxtion between people.”
Corruption and GDPR
« I chose this module [Corruption] because it’s much shorter, so we could do it in plenary, all together in a meeting. We were able to set the context. The employees then did the e-learning in groups of 8 to 10 people. There was a lot of discussion, and we found that being able to talk while they were answering the questions worked really well. We did a question and answer session in plenary based on what they had just seen”, explains the Head of Employee Experience and Impact.
He continues : “If I had been able to do that diversity, I would have done it, but it is less suitable because it is longer and there is a lot of audio. The [interactive] card game is much better for the plenary session. I am thinking of doing the same thing for GDPR.”
Within the company, the training modules are tools that facilitate discussion on the topics studied : “We have a culture like that. It is the best way to appropriate information. It is talking about it, rephrasing it.»
As far as technical deployment is concerned, he concludes : “it went very well, it is very easy.”
Feedback from the field
A satisfaction questionnaire was sent to all employees following the roll-out of Together in diversity.
Overall, the modules were well received. The format and duration were appreciated – “The one-hour format was very good”, said one employee. The content was clear.
Some employees wanted a human presence in order to ask more detailed questions, which is why the plenary sessions were so useful. “I do not think we should leave people to do their training on their own, but that we need to support them. Either the manager, or colleagues. There has to be a legitimate person to support them. These issues are so complex that you need someone to support them.”, explains the Head of Employee Experience and Impact.
Some feedback from employees following the Together in diversity satisfaction survey :
- “I am very happy! It is very good.”
- “It is a very good e-learning program, which was appreciated.”
- “I find the role-playeing very appropriate, because it is not enough to just read the rules and standards on these subjects. You really need to be put into a situation. I thought it was very good.”