Dividing up tasks within a team

Ask for a demo An entertaining experience to practise dividing up activities to push each employee forward based on their profile. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Assess the qualities required for a task Distinguish between what can and cannot be delegated Detect emerging skills Assign tasks objectively TEACHING METHODS 1 serious game 2 video clips 2 memo cards […]
Recognising and rewarding your employees

Ask for a demo When do you give recognition? Do your employees know? Become an expert in giving positive feedback and harness one the most powerful tools for increasing motivation and commitment. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Express positive feedback Avoid errors in tone, precision and listening Go beyond the technique and show sincerity Know and understand the […]
Setting a SMART objective

ASk for a demo Presentation on theories and practices to understand and apply SMART criteria. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Know how to set clear, realistic goals Identify shortcomings in expressing a goal Apply the 5 SMART criteria TEACHING METHODS 1 interactive presentation 3 practical exercises 1 memo sheet 1 certificate of achievement HIGHLIGHT Examples that put the […]
Communicating better by actively listening

Ask for a demo Learn about listening techniques and how to use them to improve your verbal and non-verbal communication. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Recognise different listening techniques Use active listening for more friendly communication Identify the different types of questions and their roles Recognise expressions that are not conducive to listening Spot non-verbal messages BENEFITS Simple […]
Assigning tasks and giving them meaning

Ask for a demo A simulated briefing where your choices have consequences, which will show you how to assign appropriate tasks to employees. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand basic delegation techniques Hold a briefing Set a SMART objective Look at the human side: motivation, feelings, managing fears, etc. TEACHING METHODS 1 dialogue simulation 2 video clips 2 […]
Remote Management

Ask for a demo https://www.youtube.com/embed/LPQFTS0uW2o A multi-parameter interface to build a management method suitable for remote working and to test it. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Establish rules for effective remote working Know when to communicate virtually or in reality Create cohesion and develop a feeling of belonging Develop independence without losing control Anticipate and remedy situations of […]
Improvement through corrective feedback

Ask for a demo Being assertive yet open, showing friendliness and objectivity… no mean feat, especially when dealing with a blunder. Learn to make effective demands and develop trust. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Use good communication techniques (listening, assertiveness) Dare to ask the right questions Carry out effective and factual discipline Focus on the solution using the […]
Conducting a performance review

Ask for a demo This serious game enables you to practise holding the performance review with our most advanced simulator. Throughout the interview, the learner indicates the attitudes they wish to adopt and influences the turn the discussion takes. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Prepare the interview and define the points to be discussed Use listening attitudes and rephrasing […]
Conflict Management

Ask for a demo A specialist dialogue simulator on conflict management, to practise managing tension face-to-face without clashing with anyone. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Develop listening skills that overcome the effects of aggression Remain assertive and constructive in any situation Identify the causes of conflicts and the real challenges Take back the initiative and re-orientate the debate […]